Pro-choicers believe their position is defensible because of several basic arguments: privacy, bodily autonomy, women’s rights. This episode of RTTT dismantles all the pro-choice arguments to reveal that the pro-life position is defensible logically, scientifically, and theologically.
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The Prologue to All Existence
Quick! Name one book that cogently explains: why we have two genders, multiple skin colors, different languages, borders, and court systems. This episode of RTTT reveals that the book of Genesis answers all of these questions.
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Social Darwinism
What do the following names have in common? Theodore Roosevelt, Oliver Wendall Holmes, Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler. This episode of RTTT explores Charles Darwin’s profound influence on the entire 20th century.
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The Fight of the Century
If you want to win the argument of abortion, this episode of RTTT will give you the tools to win. Every. Single. Time.
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- Available for use in a Church context.