What does Scripture teach? In this sermon on the final judgment, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the final judgment as the final solution to the world’s trials, yet many people run to temporary fixes while ignoring this key doctrine. Some reject the idea of this judgment because they cannot reconcile it with the truth of God being loving. Others, however, reject it because they don’t see the need for it since their fate will already have been determined on earth. However, Scripture is clear that it is the day when the verdict will be announced, not determined. It will be a very public event. What is its purpose? Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that it is ultimately about the glory of God. Many people wonder about who the judge will be, but Dr. Lloyd-Jones demonstrates from Scripture that it will be the Lord Jesus Christ. He will judge not only humans, but also the angels who rejected Him in the beginning. What about verses that refer to other judgments? Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers these questions and more, using the topic of the final judgment as a means to help the listener grow in their appreciation of the glory of the Lord.
Up Next in Great Biblical Doctrines
The Marks and Government of the Church
In this sermon on the government of the church, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delves into the practical aspects of why and how Christ created and leads His church. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that a church exists to preach the word, for the upbuilding of the saints and the strengthening of faith, for evang...
The Resurrection
Is there Scriptural evidence upholding a physical raising of the body? In this sermon titled “The Resurrection of the Body,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on a difficult topic by surveying the teaching of the Old and New Testament on the subject. As he demonstrates, the New Testament is clearer...
The Sacraments
In this sermon on sacraments, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones begins a series on the sacraments and their place in the lives of believers. This topic provokes many different views but as Dr. Lloyd-Jones says, keeping these practices is one of the ways that believers receive God’s grace. Protestants have h...